CONTRIBUTE TODAY TO HELP US continue fighting for you!

$2,000,0000 for the Tohono O’odham Community College Remedial Education – PASSED!

As the State Representative for the Tohono O’odham, I have done my best to represent the values of their community at the State Capitol. In SB1720, a budget bill that passed the House and was signed by Katie Hobbs, I supported the appropriation of millions of dollars for the Tohono O’odham Community College remedial education. We should be encouraging social mobility and education in all of our communities – especially those that have been historically ignored by our capitol.

To read SB1720, please click here:

I need your help to fight for Arizona

Despite winning as a write-in last year, 2024 has brought a challenge with out-of-state billionaire donors targeting our district. While I may not have billionaires on my side, I have you. Join me in fighting against radicalism and special interests. Your support matters.