Advocating for Arizona

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Why I Serve

As the daughter of an immigrant and a resident raised in Yuma with experience in Pima County, love anchors my family in this district. Our priorities are rooted in God, Country, Family, and Community.

I’m committed to addressing economic concerns, safeguarding our children, and meeting the unique needs of rural communities.

In my role as a representative, I’ve championed these values, winning a write-in race in 2022. I believe in policies that benefit all Arizonans while preserving our freedom and way of life.

Your trust and vote for re-election in 2024 would be an honor.

God Bless Arizona,

-Representative Michele Peña


Transparency and open communication are crucial for both parents and schools to ensure that all curricula adhere to basic academics, leaving no room for political influence from teachers, counselors, or school staff.

Every child is unique, and parents are best suited to determine their education choices. That’s why I support Arizona’s Universal Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA), a program that continues to grow and should not surprise naysayers claiming ESAs would harm public school funding.

The total funding for K-12 public education in Arizona is now projected to reach $14,673 per child, setting a new spending record and surpassing the cost of college at institutions like Arizona State University. These facts demonstrate that ESAs save the state money and provide parents, teachers, and students with the flexibility to choose the education that best fits their needs.

Your zip code shouldn’t dictate your future, and I will always advocate for choice and access in education.

Arizona plays a vital role in our country’s agriculture, food, and livestock sectors, impacting the lives of our nation’s farmers. Today, the agriculture industry confronts new challenges, and my family’s long standing connections to southern Arizona and the agricultural industry have provided me with firsthand insight into these issues.

During my first year in office, I focused on legislation aimed at safeguarding Arizona farmers by beginning efforts to reform egg expiry laws that create obstacles for our local community.

In 2023, I endorsed a balanced budget, and my commitment to fiscal responsibility remains unwavering. Our children’s future shouldn’t be jeopardized for immediate gains. I advocate for boosting our state’s rainy day fund, ensuring financial stability for generations to come.

I advocate for sustained water conservation initiatives across Arizona. Crises similar to what occurred in Rio Verde and those faced by our tribal communities must be eradicated. We should strive for the establishment of a statewide water market, initiate desalination projects, renegotiate the Colorado River Compact, and implement more comprehensive measures.

Water is the lifeblood of our communities, and I will resist any efforts to diminish or restrict water access for the people of Arizona – especially our farmers.

Many Arizona families grapple with concerns over healthcare expenses. I advocate for policies that enhance transparency and affordability in the healthcare market. Accessible health insurance is crucial, and individuals should not face exploitation by insurance companies or hospitals.

In my first year of office, I defeated a bill that would have doubled the lobbyist gift limit and another bill that would have allowed political candidates to spend campaign donations on their family members. Additionally, I supported HB2459, a bill that passed into law and combats corruption in our school boards.

I stand unabashedly opposed to all forms of corruption in our government.

How I Am Fighting For You

LD23 Map

I need your help to fight for Arizona

Despite winning as a write-in last year, 2024 has brought a challenge with out-of-state billionaire donors targeting our district. While I may not have billionaires on my side, I have you. Join me in fighting against radicalism and special interests. Your support matters.